Download Information for authors (pdf)
Download Template-MMG-tex (zip)
Information for authors
1. General requirements and recommendations
Your article should be written in good English and in accordance with MMG’s rules: see below sections How to prepare an article and How to submit an article.
To submit an article, please send it as a single PDF file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After acceptance of the article you should send all the needed files packed into an archive. You can send the archive at once to quicken the publication if you presume a high quality of your manuscript.
After an article is submitted, the primary review process takes up to 15 days. In the case of fully positive referee report and editor conclusion, your article will be published not later than in one day after .tex files are received by the editor. In the case of negative referee feedback on the article’s content, quality or presentation, you should send a revised version of your article and/or a reply to the referee within a month. It is also necessary to send a list of changes if you have been requested to do it by the editor (usually, if there are a lot of remarks).
The size of a research article, a review article, and a (methodical) note without the title page should not be more than 40, 80, and 8 pages respectively. Normally research articles and review articles are divided into numbered sections. As a rule the main text begins with Introduction and ends with Conclusions; if necessary, section Appendix can be inserted. Sections can also be divided into numbered subsections. We do not recommend using subsubsections. Note that the numbering of subsubsections is not supported by mmgart.sty file.
We use dvips driver in the style file mmgart.sty, so the most convenient way to compile files is tex → dvi → ps → pdf.
2. How to prepare an article for MMG
First, download archive and unpack its content into one and the same folder. This folder contains the style file mmgart.sty, the work files Esse-2014-01-01.tex and Esse-Abstract-References.tex, and auxiliary files for plots. Compile the .tex files in order dvi → ps → pdf and glance over the texts.
Then find in Esse-2014-01-01.tex the paragraph Step 1 and follow the instructions below:
2.1 Step 1
Insert a title. Apply the \\ command to break a line.
2.2 Step 2
Insert authors’ names, addresses, e-mails and labels which should be corresponded to the authors’ affiliation addresses (numbers) and e-mails (lower-case letters). The labels are optional arguments in the \Author, \Address and \Email commands.
First, note that the last two authors’ names are separated by \and command. Second, the e-mail has to be present for at least one of the authors.
2.3 Step 3
Insert the first author’s name and a short title to the headers of your article.
2.4 Step 4
Insert thanks if needed, otherwise delete this block.
2.5 Step 5
Type abstract (up to 200 words), key words and MSC or PACS numbers. The main requirement to the size of these materials is that they should go in the title page without distortions. The current versions of MSC (Mathematics Subject Classification) and PACS (Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme) numbers are available on and
2.6 Step 6
Type text of your article. If you prepare your article carefully, it will be published more quickly. It is impossible to regulate all rules of typesetting. Follow common sense and try to make your manuscript better. Do not use your own macros.
Figures should be prepared in .eps format, then corresponding files should be named as figure1.eps, figure2.eps, ..., and uploaded together with the two main .tex files. Colour figures are welcome if colouring provides additional useful information for readers.
Figures can also be produced directly in the main .tex file with using, e.g., pgfplots package. In this case files with plot data (if any) should be named as figurek.dat, ..., figurem.dat and uploaded within one and the same archive together with other files; the extension .dat can be otherwise, e. g. .txt.
2.7 Step 7
Type acknowledgements or delete this block.
2.8 Step 8
Verify once more whether your references are correct: this is a very important step!
2.9 Step 9
Prepare the file Esse-Abstract-References.tex for your article in an obvious manner.
3. How to submit an article in MMG
Suppose you prepare files Esse-2014-01-01.tex, Esse-Abstract-References.tex, and, if any, figures for your article. Please, execute the following steps accurately:
3.1 Step 1
Save Esse-2014-01-01.tex and Esse-Abstract-References.tex files under the names Surname-yyyy-mm-dd.tex and, respectively, Surname-Abstract-References.tex into a folder with name Surname-yyyy-mm-dd where ’Surname’ is the first author’s family name and yyyy-mm-dd is the date of sending. Copy (if any) .eps and .dat files into the folder Surname-yyyy-mm-dd.
3.2 Step 2
Compile the Surname-yyyy-mm-dd.tex file in the correct order dvi → ps → pdf and verify once more the resulting file Surname-yyyy-mm-dd.pdf.
3.3 Step 3
Pack all the .tex, .eps and .dat files from Surname-yyyy-mm-dd into a Surname- (or .rar) archive.
3.4 Step 4
Send the Surname-yyyy-mm-dd.pdf file to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After the article is accepted, you should send the archive as soon as possible. You can send .pdf and .zip at once if you are sure about a high quality of your manuscript and wish to quicken the publication.
In the letter you can write something like
Dear Editor,
Please find attached my/our manuscript prepared for publication in MMG.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur Esse
3.5 Step 5
Your article will be sent to a referee. Then his report and the article will be inspected by an editor-in-area, who should consult with another editor-in-area or with the Editor-in-Chief in the case of disagreement with the referee. The primary review process takes up to 15 days. In the case of the referee’s fully positive report and the editor’s positive conclusion your article will be published not later than on the second day after your archive is received by the editor. If the referee gives negative opinions about the content of the article, its quality and/or presentation, we will send you his comments by e-mail. It is necessary to send a revised version of your article and/or a reply to the referee within a month. Also it is necessary to send a list of changes if you have been requested to do it by the editor (usually, if there are a lot of remarks).